An iPad connected to the Web tries to load some content for which it was not designed, thus returning error pages.
This content is in Flash, a technology that for a certain period (2003–2008) has been regarded as a reference point, a cutting edge technology, while now it is considered almost an obstacle and is no longer supported by some devices.
The iPad is installed on the wall at the height of about 250 cm from the ground, that is Carlo Zanni’s height added to the difference between his and that of his son at present.
The viewer occupies the perspective of a child who looks up to an elder member of the family who, in turn, is looking at his fathers.
The project, whose title is a line from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, wants to raise a discussion about the fundamental role of the younger generations as the result of an approach to life more as a researcher/explorer rather than as emulator/repeater.
Watch it HERE