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Saddam’s war (Kuwait) was remembered also as the TV-war (minute after minute all world’s televisions were broadcasting the images of the conflict). This war (Kosovo – Serbia) will be remembered also as the web-war (there is a great amount of images and news in every site). I have thought about the situation in Kosovo and what is going on in those lands: a country and its people are wiped out. In addition to the “cleaning” operation there is also the “cleaning” of the ground: nobody will come back to their homes, because the great part of the houses are destroyed. I imagine that there would be also a “cleaning” as regards the medias and the memory and that the word Kosovo would vanish from the limitless and multilingual vocabulary of Internet. And so looking for the word Kosovo in every research engine (at the present time in Altavista you can find 299990 results!) you will obtain the answer which you have when you are looking for wrong or nonexistent words: Sorry, no matches were found containing Kosovo.